A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 alliance with the Xiongnu. All I want is to become the King. I hope you will advise the Han Court to confer...

What is Fengshui?

19-04-22 a blessed place.  Even if it is not, it will be because you will turn it so.To make Fengshui work for you...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17 ancient civilization.According to reports, pre-viously people have always thought that there were only...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 ;t allow you to leave the palace as long as I am alive!" Emperor Taizong ordered him repeatedly...

Proper Manners Begin at the Dining Table

19-04-03 clean when you eat with someoneDon’t rub rice into a ball with your handDon’t put too much rice into...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 achieved and can the country be in good order. I am not smart, so I hope you all can correct me when I am...


19-03-31 、无须额外购买”。Apple Arcade也将收录来自独立开发者、各大工作室和阪口博信、王友健、Will Wright等多位创作者制作的100多款全新独家游戏。 特别的是,订阅Apple Arcade...


19-03-31 的结晶体大多为六角形,以此为雪的别名。(2)三竿:三枝竹竿的高度。古人用测量日影或估量太阳高度的方式来推测时间。日上三竿,约上午八、九时左右。(3)晏:晚。(4)蜀犬吠(fèi)日:是一个成语,四川盆地...

花园变菜地 洋女婿傻眼了

19-03-31 ,一言不发。中国妻子连续问了两句:“Are you ok?”“Are you ok?”,但丈夫头也不回,慢慢走到游泳池旁边停了下来,默默的望向远方……该视频引来网民热议。有网民开玩笑:“(丈母娘在想)下一步...

Five Classic Sayings of Guiguzi That Help Discern a Person’s Character

19-03-28 a great educator—in terms of accomplishments.There are five classic sayings of Guiguzi that can help you...

The Eight Divinations and Wisdoms of Life in Zhouyi

19-03-21 nor disturb others. Hence, one will find a better own self.  (2) Earth is receptive, resting in...

The Legend of Taiwan’s Banping Mountain

19-03-13 free like the others?”The young man replied, “I know I could, but you have to bear a heavy burden to...

The Difference a Good or Evil Thought Can Make to Your Destiny

19-03-13 a moment and said, “I will host a feast for you tomorrow and I will be waiting for you.”  They exchanged...


19-03-11 of our Country. The Dems are obstructing justice and will not get anything done. A big, fat, fishing...

Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 times.Qiao then said, “Please bite these long ribbons with your beaks, and I will send two wardens to follow...

Put Down the Butcher's Knife and Become a Buddha

19-03-06 broke down into tears. Ouba said,"All the creatures that you have killed will become the living...

Loyal Hound Gets justice for its Murdered Owner

19-02-27 but also touching. Feeling that the dog was unusual he said “I think that the dog must definitely have...

12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and their auspicious colors to bring luck

19-02-27 , definitely brings luck and all wishes will come true.Zodiac: snake, horseSnake and horse belong to the midday...

Yan Zi’s Wisdom

19-02-27 yet, there is a beautiful woman coming to see me. I think you must have something difficult and want...


19-02-25 。《圣经》中关于轮回的记载,大部分在第六世纪被东罗马帝国皇帝查士丁尼一世(Justinian I)作为异理剔除。但即便如此,人们还是可以从中找到有关轮回的些许痕迹。...


19-02-24 证明,碘缺乏与某些形式的癌症有关。《碘:为什么你需要它,为什么你不能没有它(Iodine: Why You Need it, Why You Can’t Live Without it)》一书的作者布朗...

美消防员:睡觉关门很重要 关键时刻能救命!

19-02-21 自我保护!在无法逃离火灾现场的情况下,关门,也许能救你一条命! 这位美国消防员也说:“一道门隔开了生与死。” 美国消防局也很重视此事,还提出了“Close”Before You Doze”(睡前关好门...

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 God’s will. I will not bring the money back.”Liu knew that she could not force others to accept the...

The Centuries old Mysterious Brick that No one Dares to Move or Touch

19-02-13 bricks needed by just one brick, I will have all workmen punished, by condemning them to three years of...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 answer is that when you ask how large a cup is, it depends on its capacity. French writer Victor Hugo...

The wonder power of filial piety

19-02-07 Guo, “I heard that you have three miracle pills.  I will buy them with a silver ingot (worth 50 taels...


19-02-06 所提供的支撑度。 Dutt 表示,出于卫生和健康的原因,一般的经验法则是床垫应每七至十年更换一次。二、枕头选择完美的枕头时,应注意习惯性的睡眠姿势,这样才能做出正确的选择。I Love Linen床上用品...

The Small Donor and The Big Donor

19-02-06 did you only give me a bottle of oil?" The rich man stared at him and said with anger: "I...


17-08-03 表示,〝将会解决(will be handled)朝鲜问题〞,随后与记者们的交流中,他表示〝如果我们拥有控制朝鲜的能力,我们将控制好一切〞。8月1日,日本经济新闻报导称,川普政府此前一直强调在中国的协助下解决...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 lack of knowledge; this is the way to preserve his true nature. By restraining oneself, one always...

Facebook Shut Down AI After It Invented Its Own Language

17-08-04 Facebook team believes the bot may have been saying something like: “I’ll have three and you have...

How a Homely Wife Brought Prosperity to Her Husband

17-08-04 teacher said: “From my observation, I found Chen Da Shou to be talented and manly, and I am sure he will...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 individual is given responsibility, chaos will follow. A similar situation will occur if a high-level...

美国基因组数据流向中国 FBI忧国家安全

17-08-04 【看中国讯】美国联邦调查局生物对策部门主管游艾德(Ed You)告诉《金融时报》称,现在不知道有多少生物数据离开了美国国境。他把目光投向中国。他说,近年中国投资者收购那些专门研究基因组的美国生物医学...


17-08-02 有个人刚学外语,这天在街上走,不小心踩了一个老外的脚,那人急忙说:“I’m sorry.”老外也礼貌的说了句:“I'm sorry too.”那人一听,急忙说了句:“I'm sorry...


17-08-03 厉害,那只口音奇怪的壁虎和著名的 “15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more” 广告在全美耳熟能详。我在美国买的第一辆车就用了他们家的保险,当时找了...


17-07-30 【看中国讯】香港天王刘德华日前在华仔天地官网发文喊话“Are you ready?”暗示即将伤后复出,电影《侠盗联盟》正式确认他将复出的消息。刘德华1月中在泰国发生坠马意外,导致脊椎受伤、骨盆撕裂...

Yang Loses His Life Due to Karmic Retribution

17-07-28 , "You gave me the seal, so why are you now taking it back?" The god said, "Not only do I...

Man Searches for Dead Brother’s Body at Controversial Exhibition

17-07-27 bury the bodies on display, but police has refused to act on the request without a court order. Jan Či...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 Zhang Sheng said, "Why don't you come to my place? I know who found your bag." Then he...